Please join EBNA on July 8th as we host a community discussion on the zoning application for the property at 1068 W Berwyn (RM-5 TO B2-5).
We have invited the developer and the alderwoman’s office to answer neighbor’s questions and to share information describing the proposed development. The Q&A will begin at 6:00pm at All Meal Prep (Bryn Mawr & Winthrop). Please contact ebnachicago@gmail.com for more information or to forward your questions, if you are unable to attend.
This forum will allow the community (especially residents immediately affected by the changes) an opportunity for an open and informational meeting. We strongly encourage questions to and from all stakeholders, in person, so that everyone is fully informed and engaged.
For questions and input specifically related to the zoning process and this particular project, the 48th Ward office contact is: development@the48thward.org
We hope to see you on Monday evening!